Sunday, March 1, 2015

Look Out Through Eyes that Shine

This is one of the slogans on which SAORI philosophy is founded.

Denise with Mami and Misao (front row) and Masako, Akiko, and Kenzo
 (standing) at SAORInoMori, Izumi, Osaka, Japan 2013

Kinda like the adage "When life hands you lemons, make lemonade." This can be hard to do when it seems like you are swimming in lemonade. I have often explained this slogan as making the CHOICE to be happy, as that choice influences our actual mood.  

So recently I undertook a personal challenge: To focus each morning on things for which I am grateful. They don't have to be huge, or life altering, they simply have to be real for me that day. I post them (most days) on my facebook page as a public link. And because I am kinda addicted to COLOR, I have started having my Morning Gratitudes "sponsored" by a color ..... it's my quirkiness.

Today's color was Orchid.


Today this led to using these colors in my current weaving.

Now back to the point: Looking out through Eyes that Shine will not change the situation. It will, however, immensely help our outlook, our health, and our ability to create.

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