In the fall/winter of 2010/2011 I started weaving a 6 yard warp. This may not seem like a huge undertaking to experienced weavers with their own loom, but at the time I did not own a SAORI loom so the warp was on one of Chiaki's looms at her studio ( in Chaska. And my weaving time was limited to 2 hours /week (although I may have worked in one or 2 extra weaving sessions)! Oh, I might add that I decided to weave the ENTIRE length in 3 color interlocking and you'll understand why Chiaki calls this my "winter project." It took me the winter to weave the cloth. . . .
I wove this length and width because I wanted to make a specific piece of clothing from the SAORI: Self Discovery Through Free Style Weaving book.
Once finished, you would think I would have washed it and cut it right away . . . .but NO! Now, I kept telling people that I had not washed it because I did not have the room to stretch it out to dry in our townhouse in Mn. I think the real reason may have been I was afraid that I would mess it up. . . .and it wasn't like I could just run down to the fabric store and purchase more! This was a one of a kind piece of fabric.
Two weeks ago, I finally washed the fabric. Ironed it, and stretched it out to dry. And while it was drying, I read and reread the SAORI book . . . . .
that first cut is always the hardest!
I won't bore you with the step by step . . . . here is the finished "poncho" (that's what it's called in the SAORI book)
I now have visions of wearing this in Kyoto and eating this yummy dessert!
I learned that Cutting your fabric isn't so bad. I can hardly wait for the opportunity to wear this.